We are an NIHR Research Support Service Hub bringing together expertise in research methods, research delivery, patient and public involvement and developing research funding applications. Our team is drawn from the Universities of York, Sheffield and Leeds.

Areas of expertise

Specialist settings

We undertake research across NHS primary, secondary, and tertiary care; community and social care; settings outside health including criminal justice and education; with voluntary sector organisations; and industry.

Trials, statistics and data science

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of drugs, devices and surgery, diagnostics, and complex interventions; early phase trials; prognostic models; cohorts; diagnostic accuracy; utilising routine data; high-performance computing; machine learning and artificial intelligence.


A range of qualitative methods including ethnography, participatory methods, longitudinal studies and process evaluation. We have experience undertaking research on inequalities, with underserved populations and cross-sector research involving health, social care, charities and local authorities.

Health economics

Expertise in real-world data, early economic modelling and economic evaluation alongside clinical trials. Experience in methodological developments including outcome measurement and incorporating inequality in the evaluation framework.

Study delivery and underserved populations

Delivery of multi-centre RCTs including regulatory requirements. Expertise on evidence-informed participant recruitment and retention including vulnerable populations such as children, people who lack capacity, and people with severe mental illness. Methods development including Studies within a Trial (SWAT).

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE)

Expertise developing innovative PPIE approaches with researchers, patients, community organisations and the public. Experience leading PPIE capacity development: developing guidance, leading training and providing mentorship to researchers as well as working collaboratively with underserved communities and promoting inclusivity.

Mixed methods

Use of mixed methods in the design, optimisation and evaluation of complex interventions; development, validation and adaptation of outcome measures; research priority setting, stakeholder involvement and participatory research methods.

Evidence synthesis

Including systematic scoping reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analysis and qualitative evidence synthesis.

Dissemination and impact

Designing strategies for research reporting tailored for the target audience and planning pathways to impact.